Monday, December 28, 2009

Dec 28th

MJ here in State College reporting the events of the week.

Dad is in good spirits- sense of humor ever present thanks to wonderful visits from Al Best and Jim and Marilyn Knowles. His energy is low but cognitively he remembers most of what is important to remember

Chemo and radiation proceeding this week and the anti-nausea drug seems to be helping him. His appetite not great but thanks to advice from dear friend Jody on food choices and presentation he is eating slightly more than before. Small portions of simple foods work best and candy to get rid of the bad taste from the chemo drugs. There are books about all of this- who knew?

Sam and I have instituted a mandatory movie marathon to get us all out of the house- Invictus last night and still deciding the choice for tonight. Girls basketball game an option too and hoping to get dad to mass sometime this week.

Brought my mom's wheelchair up from the basement to wage the battle between dad's pride and his independence. So far dad won't even use a cane- (we have two of them) so we offered to get him a top hat if that would make it better. No traction yet, but will keep trying. Still humming dinka dinka do to get him in the right frame of mind :)

Joe and family arrive Tuesday, brother Tim, Jonathan, Zoe and cousin John and Heather on Wednesday. We are looking forward to filling dad's house and the Knowles condo (thanks again Jim and Marilyn) with family and laughter.

Upon request, will read any of your posts to my dad so just let me know that you want me to do so. Much love to all and thanks so much for all your emails and cards and calls- you remind us often how blessed our lives continue to be.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Squeezes and prayers all around--


  3. Coach think of you often and lessons learned from you have served me well.
    So sorry for what you are dealing with and will keep you in our prayers.
    Jim and Marilyn keep me posted but wanted to just say hi and for you to know how much you have always been admired.

    Jim Morgan

  4. I got a big smile out of the "dinka dinka do". Wish I was closer. Please give my best to Grampa Tocci for me. Love to you all. Thanks for doing this blog. As hard as it is to read it is also comforting to know that we all have a place to share.

