Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31st
We had a visit from dad's friend Chris Johnson RN at the home health care agency who took fabulous care of dad after his surgery last fall. Chris has arranged for someone to stop in 3 times a week. Tim will be here for dad's last week of radiation and then we will assess if dad needs more help. Chris predicted that by the end of January dad would likely need family very close to him. Dad wants to stay in State College as long as possible so we are doing our best to make that happen-

Re visits: come sooner rather than later. Cousins John and Heather were here from Virginia and we had a heartwarming time with them. Cousins Anita, David and Jamileh hope to visit in January from California.

Next week the activity list includes physical therapists, occupational therapists and a couple more doctors. Dad is on the prayer lists at Our Lady of Victory in State College and Rodef Shalom in Pittsburgh.

Joe is pouring the champagne and we pause now to celebrate how grateful we are to have spent this holiday together- Priorities and dreams for 2010 have never been more clear. Happy New Year to all!


  1. How was the champagne? Nothing but the best we're sure!

  2. Happy New Year all! wishing you the best and thinking of you.

    Thank you for starting the blog, what a great idea. I also think the top hat idea is excellent! xoxo
